Imgur downloader that can download all albums, users, favorites and tags

Imgur is one of the biggest image hosting and image sharing services on the internet where you can find images, gifs, and short videos. With the upcoming Imgur purge coming on May 15, 2023, you might be looking for ways to quickly download/archive Imgur images, photos, and gifs that matter to you before they are gone! Because Imgur doesn't provide you with an easy way to achieve this, you'll need to use an Imgur downloader. In this tutorial, I will be showing you how to easily bulk download images, gifs, and videos from Imgur. This is going to be an extensive tutorial with many sections. That's because you will learn not just how to download from Imgur's website, but also how to easily extract Imgur links from many other sites that host their media on Imgur. For example, many subreddits on Reddit post images hosted on Imgur. Also, there are many thousands (maybe millions) of forums that link to Imgur media. All of these cases will be covered.

In order to download from Imgur, a tool I will be recommending that has extensive Imgur support is WFDownloader App. It is a multipurpose bulk download tool that can download images, videos, and other media from many websites including Imgur. The tool will be used for this tutorial. It's free and cross-platform. Click the download button below to get the version for your Operating System (whether for Windows, Mac, or Linux). Note that WFDownloader App supports downloading media from the following types of Imgur pages: Imgur album page, Imgur user profile page, Imgur user favorites page, and Imgur tag page.

Get WFDownloader App.

How to download from Imgur's website

In order to download images, gifs, or videos from Imgur's website, all you need to do is copy and paste the link of the page you want to download from into WFDownloader App and follow the prompt. To do things faster, you can just drag and drop the Imgur page's link from your browser onto WFDownloader App. The procedure to download from Imgur is the same whether the page is an Imgur album/gallery, user profile, user favorite, or Imgur tag page. An example is shown in the next section. You can also watch this Imgur downloader video demonstration for a quick grasp on downloading from Imgur.

How to download any Imgur user's images or favorites

  1. In your browser, open the Imgur page whose photos, gifs, or videos you want to download. In this example, I will be using the link to an Imgur user account. However, you can use the link to a tag, favorite, or album page.
  2. Go to the address bar of your browser and drag and drop the link of that page onto WFDownloader App. Alternatively, you can right-click the link, copy it, and click the big blue "Add" button in WFDownloader App.
    Copy and paste Imgur page link into WFDownloader App
  3. Enter the save folder where you want the Imgur files to be downloaded and click "Confirm". The link search will begin.
    Enter save folder for Imgur files
  4. Once the link search is completed, click "Confirm". A new batch for Imgur will be created for you.
    Imgur link search completed with images and videos found
  5. Click "Start" and the Imgur batch will begin downloading to completion. That's it!
    Imgur images and videos being downloaded

Note that some users group their favorites into subfolders. If you want just a subfolder, use the link to the subfolder page instead. As I said earlier, it's the same procedure even if you want to bulk download all the images in just an Imgur gallery or all the images under an Imgur tag.

How to download from a list of Imgur galleries or accounts you have compiled

If you already have several Imgur galleries or user account links you have already compiled, you can download all of them in one go via WFDownloader App by queueing them for batch download. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the text file that has the list of Imgur page links you want to queue for batch download. It could be a list of Imgur albums or user pages.
  2. Select them all, right-click, and copy them to your clipboard.
    Copy list of Imgur albums/galleries to clipboard
  3. Open WFDownloader App and via the menu bar, go to Tasks > Queue/Batch link search.
    Queue/Batch link search option highlighted
  4. The links are already pasted in for you. Now, enter a name for the batch, save-folder, and click "Confirm".
    Batch name and save folder entered for list of Imgur galleries
  5. It will begin processing each link in turn and download the associated Imgur media found.
    Imgur list being processed and their media being downloaded
  6. Once all links have been processed and their files downloaded, click "Accept". That's it.

How to download Imgur media from any forum website

A lot of forums on the internet share images and videos that are hosted on Imgur. Sometimes they link to the direct media (i.e., the ones of the format while other times they link to Imgur albums (e.g. where you have to click the links to open them on the Imgur website to see their images. No matter the case (whether directly linked or indirectly linked), WFDownloader App is able to extract all the Imgur media you want and download them for you. To do that, follow the steps on how to download media from forum threads but use the following settings in the image below.

Imgur download settings for forum threads

Now, if you have a bunch of forum threads you want to download from and have compiled them as a list. You can queue them for batch download as explained above when downloading a list of Imgur albums.

Also, if you want to download all the Imgur images in the entire forum, not just from some forum threads that you like, you should explore WFDownloader App's crawler. You just need to put a start URL, and enter an appropriate filter for Imgur files before clicking "Search".

How to download Imgur media from a single post or an entire subreddit on Reddit

Just as was explained above for forum sites, many subreddits on Reddit have posts that link directly to Imgur media or indirectly via Imgur albums or galleries. Downloading them is also easy via WFDownloader App. Either drag and drop the link of the Reddit page onto WFDownloader App or copy and paste the link as was shown in the Imgur example previously. It's the same procedure but in this case, use the link to the Reddit page you are interested in. WFDownloader App supports downloading media from any of the following Reddit pages: subreddit page, post page, user profile page, etc. See a quick example of it also working for Reddit below. Note that if the subreddit is not public, you will need to import cookies as explained in the next session about issues you may encounter.

  1. Copy the link of the Reddit page you want to download the images from (e.g. subreddit page or Reddit post page).
    Copy link of reddit page from the browser
  2. Paste into WFDownloader App and perform a search. Notice that the Imgur media links were found even though the page only had a link pointing to the Imgur gallery page. The app automatically navigated into the Imgur page and extracted the download links.
    Imgur media links found

What to do when you encounter Imgur link search or download issues.

This Imgur downloader tutorial should work for most people as explained/illustrated. However, some of you may encounter an issue where WFDownloader App tells you "0 download links found". This is usually because some of the pages you want to download from are private. Not every user page is public (i.e., you can't view them without being logged in). In this case, you will have to import cookies from the browser that you are logged into. After that, WFDownloader App will be able to use the same session with your web browser, and the next time you search, it will work. The same solution applies to subreddits that cannot be viewed by the public or are age-restricted. So if you are in a situation where it isn't finding links, first import cookies and try again to see if that resolves the issue for you.


We have gone through an extensive Imgur downloader tutorial that shows how to download images, gifs, videos, and other media from Imgur's website. Not only that, we have also seen how to download from other websites (such as forums and Reddit) that host some or all of their media on Imgur. I hope that this tutorial was helpful to you. Was this tutorial helpful to you or not? Did you encounter any issues or do you have any suggestions? Let me know in the comment section below. Remember, Imgur is going to be purging out stuff soon starting May 15, 2023. Be sure to quickly download and save the media you care about before it's too late! Thanks for sticking with me to the end!

Imgur downloader Imgur album downloader Imgur gallery downloader Imgur gif downloader Imgur video downloader Imgur bulk downloader